Sunday, December 25, 2011

a Christmas

this is what
my living room
looks like right now.
wishing you a merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2011

a few things

every year in about november -
i get to thinking
that i should make gifts.
time is usually a problem -
but, i've been trying to
use my time more wisely.
so this year i have managed
to crank out a few things
that i actually completed.
and that is good enough for me.
i made my mom a knitting needle case.

she is a new knitter -
and i don't think she has many needles,
but it will help her corral them
all together in one place.
i am making this 'love' pillow -
for my sister.
and a gorgeous moebius scarf
out of mohair,
for my friend kerry.
and one for sam,
and one for belynda too,
and probably one for myself.
i also completed
a cozy little vest -
for my new great nephew.
(who hasn't arrived quite yet).

it's almost here.
and i'm almost ready.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

a post

i haven't had much time
in the studio.
and everytime i get on the computer -
i'm checking out
what everyone else is blogging,
and not posting myself.
there are some mighty beautiful things
going on out there.
sometimes i feel
and sometimes i feel
Christmas is coming -
and so is my pms.
that is why i feel grouchy.
just keepin' it real.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

a sleepover

wheee - hoo.
it has been busy!
we had a cousin sleepover.
we played games,
made shrinky dink charms,
and paper stars.
and creepy zombie gingerbread men gift tags,
we watched movies,
drank hot chocolate,
and went to the stanley park
Christmas light display.
the boys worked on building
the goats Christmas present -
a new barn.
last week was busy
with many other holiday preparations,
and events,
(which i promise to post later).

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

a vacation

i meant to post these
to give an overview
of our trip to mexico.

Monday, December 5, 2011

a tree

every year we get a tree.
and every year it is a struggle.
maybe my expectations are too high?
i long for a
fun filled,
family tree hunting expedition - with
Christmas carols in the car,
and hot chocolate,
and snow,
and candy canes,
and no complaining.
the last few years
i lowered the expectation  -
went to home depot
and just dragged the darn thing home -
by myself.
then tried to
drum up the atmosphere -
at home.
no one wanted to decorate -
everyone wants
to scatter -
and do their own thing.
we are divided.
and i get grouchy.
this year,
i tried again -
no one wanted to go.
they had mad faces,
and slow movements -
no happy 'get the Christmas tree excitement'.
i tired of it -
and i gave up.
i drove around by myself for a while -
and came to peace
with having no big fresh tree this time.
it's something that has been important to me.
maybe this is a lesson -
in letting go -
in not always having what i want.
in making the people more important -
than the tradition.
i will use the money
i would have spent
to help someone else.
a tree seems like
a shallow kind of
but maybe for me -
it is a start of bigger things.
here is our artificial table top tree, it is what we will have this year.

Friday, December 2, 2011

an artist

i had such a relaxing
inspirational time on our vacation.
while sunning,
and swimming,
(and eating),
i did manage
to make some time for art.
in 8 days -
i created 7 pieces.
i drew from my experiences,
and things that i saw -
in real life.
i am coming to realize
that it doesn't really matter
what the piece looks like - really.
what matters is that i took the time,
the concentration,
the patience -
to practice,
and to produce something from -
not copied,
or coveted from someone else's work.
i have hesitated -
always -
to call myself
an artist.
but i think -
i might just be.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

a trip

there were
so many wonderful things
about our mexico trip.
i really tried to pay attention -
to the little things,
that make my heart beat a little faster.
one of those experiences was

we went twice -
once on bicycle & once by taxi.
but, they were fleeting little trips.
i honestly just longed
to spend more time poking around. 
i could spend a whole month doing that!
it was hard to take photos
while riding the bike -
which led to some disappointment.
there was color - everywhere!
little art galleries,
and open air restaurants,
rustic buildings,
and intricate architecture.
markets & murals,
cobblestones & bridges.
it was all so incredibly inspiring.
i feel like
i just don't even have the words to express it.

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