Wednesday, July 18, 2012

a garden

i am not a gardener.
i like
the thought of gardening.
but i'm a bit lazy -
and it seems like
a lot of work.
it is frustrating
when things don't grow -
or rabbits eat everything.
and weeds!
i have to say though -
i really love
my blueberries.
in the morning
i pick them
into my cereal bowl.
they are low maintenance -
and very prolific.
they are huge -
and tasty.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

a tangle

i'm probably behind the times -
but, i've just learned 
about zentangles.
controlled doodling - so fun.
i bought a couple books.
(i like to be well informed)
it's something
i will do often.
it's a killer
on my 40 something eyes.
but, i like small
and i like details,
and i have reading glasses.
i think it will help
when i can't get inspired -
because it doesn't require much thinking.

in progress

Sunday, July 1, 2012

a country

happy Canada day!!
i feel so blessed
to live in this country.

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